TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION With 51% of 3PLs growing order volume in 2022 by more than 25% and with 48% struggling to find and retain workers, technology adoption has become a logical path for 3PLs seeking to scale their business and drive profitability. This year, warehouse management systems (WMS) ranked as the most (87%) implemented technology for 3PLs, followed by order management systems (OMS) (52%) and mobile barcode scanning (51%). Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) saw the largest jump this year with 44% of 3PLs saying they use EDI integrations in 2022 as compared to 34% in 2021. 3PLs had 3.8 different technologies implemented within their companies on average, with the high and medium profitability 3PLs typically having more than four systems installed. *Multiple selections allowed. 2022 Third-Party Logistics Warehouse Benchmark Report | 25

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